A series of educational talks and presentations in the digital creative fields.

Role: Event and programme producer/coordinator

With the intention of creating and nourishing the community around digital creation and digital arts, I’ve helped organise some talks and presentations as a part of an educational programme that would help make some of the knowledge gained within and team or organisation accessible to others as a way to help each other grow.

AI for an Eye was a talk which included a presentation on AI art, a case study of a project we had worked on and finally a demo and further exploration by an AI artist/researcher, Nina van den Berg

We’ve also held and Introduction to NFT’s talk and casual debate with Mourad Barouch, founder of the Mountain Collective podcast, as the hype started growing to open a discussion within our community.

RGBXYZ 2021 was the catalyst for this programme with presentations including the importance of Sound by Antfood, Digital fashion by Anna Liedtke from the Fabrikant and Digital humans by Mao Lin from Reblika but also a workshops on Touch Designer by Nikzad Arabshahi, Spark AR by Isabelle Udo from StudiOrbit and VR sculpting by Ivano Salonia.

Hopefully there are many more to come (some already in the works for 2023!)