
Role: Full VFX production charge from shoot to final delivery.

World of Wish

We got the chance to add some VFX magic to the world of wish and discovered that cats look great with sunglasses and golden chains, but also bubble guns are perfect means of transport in a Y2K wish world.
Disclaimer: No cats were harmed in the making of these VFX

Holiday Smiles

Too polite to say what you really think? You know the drill. Fake a smile and get ready to chuck that racquet into the abyss. Then shop on Wish to find something that feels true to you. Last one through the Wish portal is a rubber ducky!

Super thrilled to have worked on these project full of ridiculousness and awkwardness.

We are super proud to have worked on these fun and absurd pieces, hoping it does not freak too many people out.

Creative/Art Director – Jeff Beukema, Kenn Macrae, Vasco Vicente & Rachel Sato-Banks
Producer – Enzo Soubra, Ezra Xenos, Justin Townsend, Victoria Lechevalier, Kathy Sihavong, Cory Chonko & Daan Schraauwers
VFX & 3D – Voranc Kumar, Ziga Radulj & Andrej Gregori
Edit – Rigel Kilston, Lyon Pol & Florian Damen
Music – Massivemusic
Audio – Audentity
Color – Company 3